A Trademark is a sign, or any other means of distinguishing the goods or services of one person or company from the identical or similar goods or services of another.
A Trademark is a sign, or any other means of distinguishing the goods or services of one person or company from the identical or similar goods or services of another.
Thus, the basic function of the Trademark is to indicate the business origin of the goods or services.
In general, the registration of a Trademark is granted for ten years, counted from the day on which the application was filed, and may be renewed indefinitely for successive ten-year periods.
For classification purposes, the different products that may exist, as well as the services that may be offered, have been distributed in 45 classes or headings of an International Nomenclature.
As far as the scope of registration is concerned, several possibilities are available:
- National brand
- Trademark in European Union (EM)
- Applications and prosecution services
- The International Brand
- The Brand in any country in the world
Types of Marks:
- Words, letters, numbers and combinations thereof.
- Images, figures, symbols and graphics.
- Three-dimensional shapes, packaging or the shape of the product.
- The position in which you place a mark.
- A pattern or set of repeating elements.
- A color or a combination of colors.
- Holograms, sounds, movement or a combination of both.
- Others, such as smells, tastes, textures.
Our Trademark services:
- Pre-audit of the trademark portfolio, and Industrial and Intellectual Property in general.
- Strategies and managementprotection, defense and internationalization of Industrial Property portfolios.
- Previous feasibility studies registration of trademarks, patents and designs.
- Management and processing of records in any country in the world.
- Maintenance and surveillance of trademarks, in the event of new registrations that may pose a risk to the rights of our clients.
- Legal services: for the defense of the Industrial Property rights of our clients, both in prosecution and legal defense.